Happy New Year

It's almost 2011 and every one has been listing their new year's resolution which along the way, will also break them. But I know some are serious about their own listing and yet many of us, yes including me can't follow through because of some reasons. I could even remember before way back in high school, I would tell myself that this time I will be serious about changing this and that but at the end of the year, it's the same old lists of new year's resolutions. Sigh! I don't know why most of us can't make them into a reality, good job to those who made true to their words and still good luck to those who can't make it still. I am still hopeful though that this year would be a good year to us and a year of discipline for our resolutions.

Let's make a check up at the end of the year and see if we will be able to make or break them.

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