Oslob Style Carol Over Dumaguete's Buko Pie

Last weekend, right after we bought some groceries from Fooda Mambaling branch, we went straight to Oslob because it was their town fiesta. It was like months when I last went there and I was kinda excited because I will be seeing my godchild, Shaika (guess I have introduced her to you before). 

It was a bummer because I slept early on Saturday night so I was not able to roam around the town during it's feast day. They said there was a live band disco that night but I stay lying in bed the whole night, I woke up at three in the morning having a feeling that it was still seven in the evening.

We went to the beach on Sunday and I had another epic failure that day, I was not able to bring my memory card with me so the picture taking ended up using my smartphone, Palm Centro.
Oslob Beach! It was a beautiful day!
We ended up eating our picnic foodies earlier than planned.
Obviously bored!
There was just one thing that I will never forget that day, the oslob style carol. There were four elder men who brought their own instruments, drum and flutes then played some Christmas songs in front of us. Check their video:

I was glad that before the day ended, something good happened. Tanya came back from Dumaguete and I asked her to buy me my ultimate favorite, Dumaguete's special Buko Pie. Look how excited the kids were when we started slicing it.
It was still fresh from the oven, believe me, this was still hot when it arrived!
Dumaguete's Special Buko Pie... Though the actual one doesn't look like that in the picture.
Patiently waiting for james to finish slicing the whole pie.

That summed my weekend, how was yours? Hope you had a great time too!

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